Monday, 26 November 2012

Maori poem









my WW2 poem

Cloudy, grey smoke drifts over me as
I hide in a trench.
Burning skin as bombs hit
my fellow soldiers.
Loud, scary guns and bombs
as I run to safety.
Worried and tense being in a trench with the  enemy above my head.
Blood dripping down my face as I fall to the         hard ground.
I hope I will make it through this war.

Teina Cassidy

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

creepy creatures

I would like to introduce you to a very interesting animal called a Bingling.

The Bingling is about the same size as a tissue box. They flap their ears up and down to swim and fly. Also they put one ear under them and one over to make a bed. Its tongue is long and it turns into the same colour of the food they eat. Its eyes are like a bright blue flashlight that helps them see when the torches in the burrows aren't on.

They live in Nepal in the big cold snows of MT EVEREST. They dig deep wholes in the ground called  burrows. Its as cosy as sleeping on a fluffy cats fur. But when it dose get cold they dig even deeper. Their average burrow is 20 to 30 meters deep. The deeper they go the warmer it is.

The bingling only eats fruit and their favourite is bananas and apples. The way they get their food is very amazing they send the ninja bingling to the city and they steel from the corner shop in Nepal or the brave ones go to predator jungle.
The Bingling behaviour is very exciting.  They love playing with each other like wrestling and  having races. They have to do jobs which are lighting up the lamps in their dark, long burrows with their fire burning tongues and they turn it into races to see who can do it the fastest.  They are nocturnal so they are most active and playful at night.  They don’t have any enemy's because no one hates them every one loves them but the corner shop owner dose sort of.

Life cycle
The life cycle of the bingling is very casual.  When they have babies they find a mate and give birth. They carry their babies in their ears.  Also their babies sleep for 10 days after they’re born. Then they stay with their mum until they are 21 years old, then they leave. The mother can only have 2 babies because she only have 2 ears to carry them in.   
That is all about the amazing BINGLING I hope you learnt a lot about this unusual but interesting animal.


Monday, 10 September 2012

what am i

I have  a blue snake tongue and a very hairy body .
I a shape shifter but my real body is   ugly.
I have two big ears and eight sharp claws.
I can give you my memories with the touch of my hand.
My name is Bliksheelpurgis the four hundred and third but all my friends call me Blik
What am I ?

I’m a smodge          

sences poem

 Thorton Beach Camp

Gigantic ,scary waves crashing in the sea .
The salty stinky water fills my nose as I swim in the lagoon .
The boys cheering because someone caught a stinky ,huge fish .
The freezing cold water makes me shiver as I jump in and out of the water                                                    The horrible ,yuck custard that was burnt by the cook .
Camp is amazing and fun. I wish I could stay forever


bio poem

Sporty, funny, amazing
Wishes to travel the world
Dreams of flying
Wants to be a famous singer
Who wonders why I can’t breathe in space
Who fears spiders and sharks
Who is afraid of jellyfish and spiders
Who likes lollies and chocolate
Who believes in Santa clause
 Who loves my family and friends
 Who plans to be famous
That is all about me